Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nicolas Maduros Machiavellian Struggle - 1512 Words

The battle zone has become further entrenched between the protesters and the government in the Capitol of Venezuela, Caracas. With 13 dead and 150 injured tension between Nicolà ¡s Maduro and his people is at an all time high (Glusing). In the post Hugo Chavez world not only has Maduro failed to inspire the confidence of his people, but his inability to deal with rising economic woes has only worsened his relationship with his people. Machiavelli in his works The Prince and The Discourses, deals with how a leader should deal, interact, and satisfy his subjects. Thus, Machiavellian lens could be critical to best explain the current state of tension within Venezuela. To do this it is first necessary to explain Machiavelli’s method, second†¦show more content†¦Machiavelli’s focus on pragmatism and realism seems to eliminate a worry about ethical concerns. For example, Machiavelli’s pragmatism, â€Å"distinguish(es) between cruelty well used and cruelty abused. † (Machiavelli 30). One may argue Machiavelli’s distinction smuggles in a level of morality. In reality it is clear that this distinction is focused on the preservation of power in order to allow, â€Å"their subjects †¦ to let bygones be bygones† (Machiavelli 30). Machiavelli makes no moral distinction between the cruel actions he merely makes a distinction upon what will best allow a ruler to maintain power. In The Discourses the emphasis of good policy being that which creates stability again ignores morality finding that new rulers should â€Å"remake everything else in the state from scratch† to do this they should, â€Å"make the rich poor and poor rich.† (Machiavelli 131). He even gives substance to wicked deeds finding they involve, â€Å"a certain nobility† (Machiavelli 132). This dramatic level of apathy to the right of the individuals or what are good actions demonstrate his emphasis of preservation of stability o ver morality. After examining core concepts of Machiavelli, how could his works have been used to help secure support for Maduro directly after his election? Why the current situation unfolded? What course of action would Machiavelli advise for Maduro to do in order to quell protests? Finally, a brief explanation virtà º and

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